Goanna moves to Origo

by Till Bay (modified: 2007 Nov 05)

In a discussion on the Goanna developers mailing list, Colin and me decided to move Goanna to Origo.

This puts the library on a platform, that I find easier to maintain (no surprises!) and allows us to improve its documentation with the help of the community as it is now wiki-based.

My plan is to finish migrating the outdated doc within the next two weeks. After that, I will publish a tutorial on how to build web applications with Goanna. I hope that this improves the overall state of the library and that the decision to move also inspires other projects too!

Here a couple of new features that we added to Goanna lately:

  • Multi-threaded logging
  • Configurable log directories
  • Return value and argument logging

URL: http://goanna.origo.ethz.ch

  • Martin Seiler (16 years ago 6/11/2007)

    I agree, I really like the way origo does things: Emphasis on ease of use and still powerful. Every few weeks I find a cool new feature :-) keep up the good work!

    About goanna: I never used it so far, is it difficult to integrate goanna with Apache 2? Or what is the preferred way to run your application?

    -- mTn-_-|

    • Patrick Ruckstuhl (16 years ago 7/11/2007)

      It's not that hard to integrate it with Apache, but I prefer using lighttpd for fastcgi, as it has much less overhead, performs faster and scales better. As an added bonus it also provides loadbalancing features already builtin.

      It's great that Goanna is now on Origo, so I can watch changes to it easily. It would be great if eposix would switch to Origo as well.

      • Till Bay (16 years ago 7/11/2007)

        Yes Patrick, I wrote to Berend explaining how much of Origo is written in Eiffel - lets hope that convinces him! :)

        • Colin Adams (16 years ago 7/11/2007)

          Berend uses Perforce

          I think he would be more convinced if you were using Perforce rather than Subversion.

          BTW, I still haven't seen an answer to my question as to what software is used on Origo for issue tracking.

          Colin Adams

          • Till Bay (16 years ago 7/11/2007)

            I know that Berend likes Perforce, but as for CVS, there are good migration tools to SVN and client support for SVN is quite a convincing argument nowadays. And to give Origo a try it should be OK.

            I must have missed your question - we have written the issue tracker ourselves. As always on Origo we're also evaluating external solutions like Mantis, Bugzilla and also Jira, but for now we use our own solution.